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Rated Ernie - Ages 10 and up

This article is rated Ernie.

New Members is the ninth episode of Leader Plankton: The Mieshu Version. The next episode is Epilogue. The following is a fanon work of a fanon series and isn't official.

Script []

  • Mieshu: "Cool story! I still wish Anti Plankton won."
  • Ninja Sponge: "We can make Anti Plankton win, if we stop Leader Plankton!"
  • Larry: "It's good your story is over. BECAUSE WE’RE GONNA CRASH!"
  • The plane quickly started lowering out of the sky as it’s speed quickly increased!
  • Inside Anti Plankton,
  • Members of Anti Plankton were inside, unaware of Leader Plankton's giant plan.
  • Sir Sandy: "Y'all listen. The last time Snailster Gary and I entered Bucket of Evil, we were lucky we escaped with both our arms and legs. We need another plan!"
  • Snailster Gary: "Meow."
  • Sir Sandy: "No, that's too risky. Something actually possible."
  • Cry Whale: "I have a fabulous idea! We could sell Bucket of Evil to Painty The Pirate! He's scary. He might eat it."
  • Sir Sandy: "That probably wouldn't work. Because they have lots of technology at Bucket of Evil that they could use to defend themselves from even a giant pirate."
  • Suddenly Cheapskate Krabs and Music Squid broke into the glass dome!
  • Cheapskate Krabs: "Surrender and I'll tell me guards to destroy you all as quickly and painlessly as possible!"
  • Sir Sandy: "ATTACK!"
  • Members of Anti Plankton started throwing forks, chairs, pencils, and computers at them!
  • Music Squid: "Well Eugene, looks like we have to do it the hard way!"
  • Cheapskate Krabs: "Agreed!"
  • Outside Anti Plankton,
  • Giant Leader Plankton slowly walked towards Anti Plankton from the distance! Leader Plankton saw Cheapskate Krabs and Music Squid inside the hideout! Confused, Leader Plankton called them using a shellphone.
  • Leader Plankton: "Squidward! Mr Krabs! What are you doing in there?!"
  • Cheapskate Krabs: "We thought it would be an awesome surprise if we wiped out Anti Plankton for you!"
  • Leader Plankton: "It's not! I turned myself into a giant so that I could destroy the hideout with all of them in it! Oh well. I guess when I do it... You will also be destroyed!"
  • In Anti Plankton,
  • Music Squid: "No! No! You can't do this to us!"
  • Cheapskate Krabs: "I betrayed my boy SpongeBob to work for you!"
  • Sir Sandy: "Your boss doesn't want you?"
  • Music Squid: "Yup."
  • Cheapskate Krabs: "Now he's gonna destroy all of us."
  • Sir Sandy: "Have you ever thought about joining Anti Plankton?"
  • Cheapskate Krabs: "I just did."
  • Music Squid: "Sure, I guess. Why not."
  • Cry Whale: "Welcome to the team!"
  • Everyone cheared.
  • Cheapskate Krabs: "Thank you!"
  • Music Squid: "All of this is wonderful and all, but Giant Leader Plankton still wants to destroy us!"
  • Patrick randomly showed up and said: “I also have a name!”
  • Narrator: "Outside Anti Plankton, we find Ninja Sponge, Larry, and Mieshu jumping out of their plane before it crashes."
  • Ninja Sponge: "I hope we still have time to stop Anti Plankton from losing the war!"
  • Mieshu: "Atleast we're on the same street as Anti Plankton HQ."
  • Larry: "How do you know?"
  • Mieshu: "I remember from when Leader Plankton sent me over here to stop Anti Plankton. That was when I didn't know he was evil."
  • Suddenly, Bubble Buddy and an angry mob fell landed on the ground above them, from the sky!
  • Ninja Sponge: "Bubble Buddy!"
  • Larry: "Bubble Buddy?"
  • Mieshu: "He's our friend."
  • Bubble Buddy: "You guys relax. Me and the angry mob will stop Giant Leader Plankton!"
  • Ninja Sponge: "You have half the town in that mob!"
  • Bubble Buddy: "That's why I know we will win!"
  • Bubble Bubble and the angry mob ran towards Leader Plankton! The mob started throwing pitchforks at the giant Leader Plankton!
  • Leader Plankton: "YOU CAN'T DEFEAT ME! I'M UNSTOPPABLE!"
  • The mob kept on throwing sharp pitchforks at Leader Plankton! Leader Plankton grabbed a pitchfork and threw it at Bubble Buddy! The pitchfork caused Bubble Buddy to pop.
  • The entire mob got sad, gave up, and started to cry. Mieshu stood on a rock.
  • Mieshu: "Look at us. Giving up so easily. That's not what our bubble friend would want. I think I speak for us all when I say, things might seem hopeless. And with Bubble Buddy dead, how could we possibly win? Bubble Buddy never gave up. Even when it seemed like the only thing he can do is surrender fight back. Even if it seemed hopeless. But the thought of losing, motivated him. He was a true friend. A true hero that never surrendered. When the power goes out, and we'll reading a book or trading stocks, we don't just give up because it's dark and we can't see. We grab a lantern and use it to read what we are doing, to further increase our odds of succeeding in whag we're doing. That's just what we need to do right now. Don't believe we're never gonna win! Let's make Bubble Buddy's sacrifice worth it! Let's stop the evil Leader Plankton! For the greater good! For freedom! For Bubble Buddy!"
  • The mob cheared.
  • Ninja Sponge: "Wow!"
  • Larry: "I never felt so inspired to do anything other than crunches until now!"
  • Giant Leader Plankton: "Great speech... BUT IT WON'T SAVE YOU NOW!"
  • Giant Leader Plankton picked up a building and was about to throw it at the mob!
  • At Anti Plankton,
  • Cheapskate Krabs: "I think I have a machine that turns a regular sized person into a giant!"
  • Sir Sandy: "Then what are you waiting for? Turn me into a giant!"
  • Cheapskate Krabs: "Ok. I'll give you this machine, and you can become a giant and destroy Leader Plankton. But do it outside, otherwise the whole building could get destroyed."
  • Sir Sandy: "Ok, thanks!"
  • Snailster Gary gave Sir Sandy sad puppy eyes.
  • Sir Sandy: "Ok fine. Snailster Gary can become the giant who saves the day if he wants to."
  • Snailster Gary: "MEOW!"
  • Snailster Gary and Sir Sandy walked out of Anti Plankton.
  • Sir Sandy: "This might sting a little."
  • Sir Sandy fired a size increaser ray gun onto
  • Snailster Gary: "Meow. Meow... MEOW!"
  • Snailster Gary suddenly become a giant! Snailster Gary quickly slithered over to Leader Plankton!
  • Snailster Gary: "MEOW!"
  • Leader Plankton: "You think an oversized snail will stop me?"
  • Leader Plankton threw the building at Snailster Gary! Snailster Gary used his giant tail to whack the building back at Leader Plankton!
  • Snailster Gary: "MEOW!"
  • Just as Snailster Gary thought Leader Plankton was down, Leader Plankton grabbed a giant disintegration gun and shot it at Snailster Gary, turning him into a pile of dust that then blew away in the wind.
  • Ninja Sponge: "GARY!"
  • Larry: "Where's Gary?"
  • Sir Sandy: “Where did the little guy go?”
  • Eugene Krabs walked up to Ninja Sponge and said: “I’m really sorry lad.”
  • Ninja Sponge: "For what? I'm fine. So fine. I'm very fine. It's ok."
  • Patrick: “Why am I regretting eating that tire all of a sudden?"
  • Music Squid: "Why did you eat a tire?"
  • Patrick: "Uhh...."
  • Music Squid: "Forget I asked."
  • Mieshu: "Listen up everyone! Time for plan B!"
  • Ninja Sponge: "What's plan B?"
  • Mieshu: "Being the scientist he was, did Bubble Buddy ever give you a time machine?"
  • Ninja Sponge: "Well... No, not a time machine... I don't think. Oh, but wait," Ninja Sponge grabbed a small round device, "it's a machine that's sticky at the bottom, so you can stick it on something and it'll be send somewhere really far into the future, but there's no way to actually set it to be sent into a specific date or year, it's um... It's just a prototype."
  • Mieshu: "But does it work?"
  • Ninja Sponge: "It might."
  • Mieshu: "Then we could use it to send Leader Plankton to the future!"
  • Ninja Sponge: "Oh yeah! True. Let's do this!"
  • Ninja Sponge ran towards the giant plankton! He jumped on Leader Plankton's leg and attached the time machine to his knee! Right when Ninja Sponge jumped off his leg, a big blue light flashed and Leader Plankton disappeared!
  • Mieshu: "Great job Ninja Sponge!"
  • Ninja Sponge: "Thanks dude."
  • Sir Sandy: "Now we are all free from that evil villain! Anti Plankton won!!!"
  • Everyone cheered.
  • Cheapskate Krabs: "LET'S PARTY!!!"
  • Everyone started dancing, except for Ninja Sponge who stared into the distant sunset, with big sad eyes...
  • To be continued in... The Epilogue.