SpongeBob Fanon Wiki



SpongeBob Fanon Wiki
SpongeBob Fanon Wiki


For the real CS, see this.


Fun Fact: All of the CrazySponges in these shows are the same CS.

someone put this in i'm too lazy


August 25th, -∞ B.C. - CS is born before the beginning of time. Parents are still alive but are unknown.

-∞+11 B.C. - CS meets a friend called "The Dot".

-∞+20 B.C. - CS invites The Dot to his 20th B-day Party, and Dot drinks too much.

-∞+99 B.C. - Dot, after becoming sick for a long time, finally explodes, revealing his true form.

+0 B.C - CS is amazed by Dot's new appearance, and Dot says his new name is Universe.

+50 B.C. - CS spends a lot of years trying to find a new home in Universe.

+100 B.C - Universe creates a home for CS called Earth, and CS creates the actual first calendar.

??? B.C.-2.5 million B.C - CS wonders about all the amazing creatures on the planet, and may have caused an asteroid into it and accidentally kill the dinos.

2.5 million B.C. - Paleolithic Age begins

2.5 million B.C. - CS discovers a race that looks just like him, but aren't gods.

100,000 B.C. - After studying them, CS tries welcoming them with a party, but accidentally leaves the freezer open and freezes the entire earth again.

8,000 B.C. - After so many mistakes, he covers up his face with a mask called "Hoopla" and changes his name from Aidan to CrazySponge.

3000 B.C - 2018 A.D - CS basically creates every single event in humanity, such as but not limited to:

  • Accidentally inventing farming
  • Creating radical pyramids in the middle of nowhere
  • Giving a random empire some land that ended up taking over all of Europe
  • Giving a random baby a name that he saw on a billboard in 1 A.D
  • Blocking the sun in Europe creating the Dark Ages
  • Discovering India by going west
  • Telling some random king that taxes solve all your problems
  • Signing the constitution
  • Starting many wars
  • Telling some random president to watch his play
  • Accidently crashing a car into the stock market
  • Accidently shooting some random guy when they scared CS
  • Inventing A-Bombs (Aidan Bombs)
  • Putting a fan on the Moon
  • and some other things we dont talk about

2018 A.D - CrazySponge discovers SBFW, figures out how to teleport, discovers The Multiverse, and makes SBFW his permanent home.

2019 A.D - CS tells everyone about The Multiverse.

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