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Point Guard Patrick is the 2nd short of Season 2 of Basket Sponge.


After Larry loses a bet to Patrick, Patrick becomes the team's new point guard.


[At practice one morning, Larry is dribbling around the court, dunking and being cocky]

Larry: (dribbles around Patrick; slam dunks) BOO-YAH!!!

Patrick: (yawns)

Larry: Umm, hello, are you blind? Cuz I just SCHOOLED you!

Patrick: Don't care.

Larry: Grrrrr, you wanna fight?

Patrick: I don't wanna hurt you.

Larry: BAHAHAH!!! You hear that, everyone? He doesn't wanna hurt ME!

LeBron: Larry, settle down.

Larry: Can it, pea brain. (punches LeBron in the face)

Patrick: (eats a bannana)

Larry: Listen hear, punk! I challenge you to game of 1 on 1. The first person to score a point wins.

Patrick: Why would I waste my time?

Larry: Because if you lose, I get to HANG YOU!

Patrick: And if I win?

Larry: It's not gonna happen, but if it somehow DID, I'd let you become the team's new point guard.

Everyone: Ooooooooooh.

Patrick: Challenge accepeted.

[The rest of the team sits on the bleachers and watches]

SpongeBob: (crying) Poor Pat. He's gonna get hanged!

Squidward: (eating popcorn) BAHAH! Patrick's gonna get hanged!

Plankton: I'm pretty sure it's “hung”, people!

Krabs: (to Lexi) Don't take it too hard. There's plenty of other fish in the sea.

Lexi: What are you talking about.

Krabs: Well, your boyfriend's about to be hung.

Lexi: I wasn't paying attention. Oh well.

[The game begins]

Larry: (gets the ball) You're going down, STAR!!!! (charges in like a bull)

Patrick: (stands in front of Larry)

Larry: (trips over him, and breaks his leg) AHHHH!!!!!

Patrick: (takes the ball, and swishes a shot) Done!

Everyone: WOO-HOO!!!!!!!!

[They pick up Patrick and parade him around the gym, stepping on Larry]

Larry: AHHH!!! MY LEG!!!!!

Fred Rechid: (enters the gym) Don't steal my thing, bro.

Larry: (chucks a chimpanzee at Fred)

Fred Rechid: AHHH!!!! MY FACE!!!!! (exits the gym)

LeBron: Everyone, we have a new point guard. Patrick Star!

Patrick: What's a point guard, anyway?

LeBron: (facepalm) This isn't gonna go well.....

[At the next game]

Larry: (his leg is in a cast, as he sits the bench) No pressure, Patrick. You're the most important player on the court.

Patrick: (gulp) Really?

Larry: Yes, really. Any little mistake you make, you'll have to live with.....for the rest of your LIFE!

Patrick: (his eyes get huge) The rest of my LIFE????

Larry: Yep. No pressure.

[The buzzer beeps; the game begins]

Patrick: (he has the ball, he dribbles nervously down the court)

[The other team steals the ball multiple times and scores hundreds of points]

[When the game is finally over, the announcer reads the score]

Announcer: And the score is Mayan Merman – 967........andd the Bulldogs – 0.

LeBron: Grrrrrr!!!!! Patriiiiiick!!!!!!

Larry: Hahahah. I knew he couldn't do it.

Patrick: (puts a paper bag over his head, runs to the door; he hits the wall) OWW! Can't see anything! (keeps running)

Larry: Hahaha, what a weinie.

SpongeBob: I'll go talk to him.

[SpongeBob runs to Patrick's house; he knocks on his rock-house]

Patrick: (from inside) Go away!

SpongeBob: Patrick, I know you're upset.

Patrick: Leave me alone! Larry said I have to live with my mistakes for the rest of my life!

SpongeBob: Larry's just a jerk!

Patrick: I'm living with this for the rest of my life. Nothing you say can stop me!

SpongeBob: Okay. (turns) But when you're ready to get over it, we'll be waiting for you. (leaves)

75 years later

Patrick: (trembling in a hospital bed) Eh......my whole life is behind me......I wasted my entire life dwelling on my mistakes....(his dentures fall out).....I wish I had somebody here to comfort me in my last few minutes of life....

Larry: (busts into the room; on a wheelchair) Hello, loser!

Patrick: Larry?! Where's SpongeBob!

Larry: You don't wanna know. (wheels over to Patrick) Look who ruined his whole life. I knew you couldn't do it, heh-heh. (gets in his face) Looooooooser!

[The screen goes blank; we hear Patrick's heart monitor beep]
