(I could upload pictures to make this tutorial easier, but I am not going to)
Step 1: Install a photo editor. It can either be Photoshop which costs 500 dollars unless you want to pirate it and save money illegally or you can get GIMP which is free. This tutorial requires GIMP since that is the program I use.
Step 2: Look up the Krabby Patty font on google. Do not overuse this font because sometimes you want to use something different which means download any other fancy font that would go best with the title cards.
Step 2: Get a background related to either the episode that you are doing or the show. You can take backgrounds from the thread.
Step 3: Now that you have your background, you can start editing. The first thing you want to do is edit the background's color to want you want. If the episode is a dark or scary episode I suggest using dark colors usually red and pupple. If the episode is the oppisote of something dark than use light colors.
Step 4 (optional): Select the graident tool and find the raindow or whatever other backgounds you want to use. Then use the eraser tool to erase it by 50%, but you have to set it to that first befor you use it. Then either mess with the contast to restore the background or use the statuation tool to restore the color.
Step 5: Go to file, click create, click logos, click on glossy and a box will appear with many options. Mess with it as much as possible to get the resluts you want.
Step 5 (Alt): If you didn't want that glossy font and wanted something more plain. Click on the text tool which looks like a gaint A. Type down the text you want and then create that layer twice. Move the second layer and give it a brighter font than the first. Then select that font using the select by color tool and select all the the font's color to to a put a graident on it.
Step 6 (optional): Combine the layers (by right clicking on a layer and press merge down) and go to the persective tool to change the persective of the font. If you want to futher distort it, go to filters, distorts, iWarp to warp the font.
Step 7: Upload.